Plugin configuration error during deployment

Hey everyone. When I run jekyll build or gulp locally I don’t get any errors. However, I get a couple errors when I try to deploy to Digital Ocean using this method:

The first error I get is:
Deprecation: The 'plugins' configuration option has been renamed to 'plugins_dir'. Please update your config file accordingly.

I also get an error indicating that the jekyll-assets plugin isn’t working quite right:
Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (line 12): Unknown tag 'asset' ... included in /_layouts/default.html

Do y’all have any ideas? Thanks!

Do I need to install Gulp on the server?

If I had to guess, you have different versions of Jekyll (and friends) running locally vs. on the server. The fact that you’re getting a deprecation warning about plugins is your first clue.

If you’re not using a Gemfile locally and on the server you might want to. That will keep your gems in check and help enforce that you’re using the same versions in both environments.

The only difference will be prepending Jekyll commands with bundle exec… eg. bundle exec jekyll serve


I checked and both are running jekyll 3.5.2.
I updated the script file to:
bundle exec jekyll build --source $TMP_GIT_CLONE --destination $PUBLIC_WWW

As a result I now see this in Terminal:
remote: Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory

But! I have a Gemfile! I also installed Gulp on my server. I wonder if I didn’t run a command to make sure everything was installed properly.

When I try to run bundle update on my server I get an error.

Hey still haven’t figured this out yet. Should I try to delete the current Gemfile.lock and run bundle install?

Hello i encountered the same problem with you. Have you solve the problem yet?

Here is my error: