One page website?

Hello! It is my first topic here seeking for some help =)

I have the idea for my site to be a single-page website, with a fixed sidebar and a fixed header.

The sidebar would have some links as a normal menu. And the header would be just the name of the blog.

The thing is that I want that all the posts appear at first as a group inside a 3x3 grid or something, and when you click one, the grid should disappear and print the specific post.

Also, in the sidemenu, the items would be the categories, so when you click one, it would filter the posts in the grid to only show those that match the category.

My questions are:

How could I approach this system?
Is it even possible here?
Could I do it with Jekyll alone or do I need some sort of plugin?

I guess I would simply have a general layout that will only change the content inside it, though the grid and filter and to show a specific post is what Iā€™m worried about.

Thanks for your time!

when you say a single page website, usually I think of a site where when you click a menu item at the top it takes you down the page via an anchor to that section.

What you are describing doesnā€™t really sound like a one page site. Is there a reason it should be only one page? having a fixed header and sidebar probably is no big deal, and when you click a link to an article it could go to that page but still have the same layout with the same fixed header and sidebar.

If you really want it to be one page/one url it sounds like it will be a lot of JS to make it happen.

The filtering by category I have seen before with some JS - that can work on one page.

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What you are describing doesnā€™t really sound like a one page site. Is there a reason it should be only one page? having a fixed header and sidebar probably is no big deal, and when you click a link to an article it could go to that page but still have the same layout with the same fixed header and sidebar.

Yeah, that was my initial plan, and the path to go.

It will be the same sidebar and header, the only thing that would change, atm, is the ā€˜contentā€™ area, where at first there would be a grid with the posts. Then, when you click one, it will print that post and thatā€¦

So the trick is basically the same layout?

Thank you in advance.

Making some noise here for my themeā€¦

You can do this yourself, itā€™s not all that difficult. You could also use a theme like mine: classic-jekyll-theme
Even if you donā€™t want a theme, I think you could get some ideaā€™s from my code. It includes a ā€œblockedā€ layout that allows a click-through.

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Thanks! Iā€™ll check it out.