I made a collection in jekyll and named it “category” (screenshot-1), that i can make pages with categories and there was an opportunity to go to the category page in the post on the appropriate category by the link + it is possible to sort by the flag and create the permalink that I need.
Here are my settings in _config.yaml and front metter from collections files category_name.md
screenshot-1 http://prntscr.com/gynaw7
output: true
- scope:
path: ""
type: category
layout: "category"
layout: category
tag: '1992'
flag: year
permalink: "/category/year/1992/"
The issue - when i have 21 files category_name.md in collections folder, Jekyll build it about 1.089s; when i have 27 files - 15,059s; when i have 33 and above gives an error (screenshot-2) and this is not always default.html it happens index.html or error:
Jekyll liquid Exception: Failed to allocate memory in default.html/index.html
screenshot-2 http://prntscr.com/gyn8px
As I understand there is not enough memory to genegate build or there has some limit to files, which i can create in my collection?
Tell me please how to solve this issue I will be glad to any prompts.