Is there a best practice for using (or not using) multi word tag names?

Is there a best practice for using (or not using) multi word tag names ?

My guess is that it’s ok but one should separate words with hyphens rather than spaces.

So a tag might be using-spaces in preference to using spaces.

I think spaces might work but is likely to lead to problems so best avoided. This issue was discussed on StackOverflow.

In this context “multi” probably equates to 2.

same thing happens with categories.

Towards the bottom of this thread someone had a clever idea to use a data file to map the slugified url.

I kinda like your links answer though - to url encode it. Is there something wrong with that?

Wouldn’t URL encoding would require modifying template code, which I potentially don’t have control over ?

I actually don’t mind the hyphen idea, it doesn’t look too bad and doesn’t require special coding attention.

I agree it applies to categories too. I had thought of that but decided not to over-complicate the question :slight_smile:

{{ tag | slugify }}
It could solve the space issue for url