Images won't show up on site

Hi, everyone!

I have problems with images when I added them to site posts. I tried everything but they won’t show up on site. None of these work.

   ![My helpful screenshot](/assets/images/theblack.jpg)
    <img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/theblack.jpg">
    <img src= "{{ "/assets/images/theblack.jpg" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
    <img src="{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/theblack.jpg" alt="">
   <img src="{{ site.url }}/assets/images/theblack.jpg" alt="">
    ![My helpful screenshot]({{"/assets/images/theblack.jpg" | absolute_url}})

Config looks like these:

 - scope:
       path: "assets/imgages"
       image: true

baseurl: “”

It’s hosted on private github repo and netlify. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

Br, Ron

mis-spelling images maybe?

when you look at it in chrome inspector>> console is it showing 404’s for the urls? you can usually tell from the url what the problem is, which is usually baseurl related, but maybe not sure you as you are not using GH pages.

Mis-spelled here, sorry. In config all right.
Yes there are 404 errors in console, but path to image is right.
Can it be because of private repository?

if you look in the site folder where ever that is are you sure the images are actually there?

without a repo and site to look at it is a little hard to troubleshoot.

Found issue! Idk why I excluded asset folder in .gitignore :smiley:
Thanks for help anyway! :slight_smile: