Ignore md file if html file already exists?

Can I tell jekyll to ignore the .md file if the .html file already exists? That is, html >> md ? (I would still like the user to be able to download my md file, just as if it was an ordinary md file and had nothing to do with jekyll, so I don’t want to remove it altogether.) Right now, I am getting unpleasant warnings:

          Conflict: The following destination is shared by multiple files.
                    The written file may end up with unexpected contents.
                     - 2022.md
                     - 2022.html

I gather the 2022.md file has YAML front-matter? That triggers Jekyll to process it through Liquid and render the Markdown to 2022.html (which conflicts with the existing 2022.html). If you removed/disabled the YAML front-matter, then 2022.md would just be copied as-is to the destination, and there would be no conflict with 2022.html.

If you’re using Github-Pages, then you might need to configure/disable the optional-front-matter plugin since that changes how .md files are handled.

thank you. my problem is that these .md files need some yaml, because they will have to go into pandoc, too. your pointer is very helpful in telling me that it is not a standard feature that I have overlooked.

maybe I need to learn ruby and patch a line somewhere…grrr…

