How to change the site title (GH Pages)?

I have the site, that I’ve just set up on GiHub pages with the Minimal theme.

Currently the site title is the name of the repository (, and the subtitle is the repository description.
How can I change this (to something like Theo Court)?

I’ve tried using CSS/SCSS but either Jekyll won’t recognise it or it is written incorrectly. I think the problem is the latter.

Is there a way to do this?

Have you looked at that theme’s documentation? It has variables for configuring the title in your _config.yml file.

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could you provide a link to your repository? as far as i know, if you’ve just copied over the theme contents, you need to edit the <title> HTML tag within the index.html file


I fixed the problem as mmistakes suggested, through instructions found on the documentation.

Thanks for helping though :slight_smile:

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I setted a custom title and description putting next lines in _config.yml file:

title: myCustomTitle
description: myCustomAndDetailedDescription
