How can I display a raw HTML or MD file without Jekyll processing it? So that a visitor can see the raw HTML contents?

@BillRaymond I don’t think that is a good approach as the request was to stop Jekyll processing. Using include or include_relative does indeed evaluate the file.


title: About

{{ page.title }}

Then using on ` as

My test

{% capture my_page %}
{% include_relative %}
{% endcapture %}

My title: {{ my_page }}

Results in frontmatter and content rendered… but the Liquid code is missing.

My test

title: About
layout: page
permalink: /about/

My title: 

So maybe you can find a way to use JS look up a file on GitHub and embed it - see older forum posts.

For interest, if you need to get a page (and not an includes or layout) and if you are happy with Liquid render, you can lookup the file like this:

title: Home

{% assign about = site.pages | where: 'name', '' | first %}

{{ about.content }}

Here it renders in my browser as:

<p>My title: About</p>

That is actually as code snippet. Here is the raw HTML in the source.

<div class="language-liquid highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>&lt;p&gt;My title: About&lt;/p&gt;


Note also that it rendered page.title of the About page and then the finished result got added as content on the homepage.