I have a rails website on Heroku and in /public folder I put my jekyll blog. However, assets are not loaded (so minima style is lost) in production: https://evening-stream-98510.herokuapp.com/blog
Real: the link I sent in the first post (css is not ok)
If you replace /blog with /assets/main.css, in Test you see the file, but in Real it doesn’t exist. So main css file is not being sent to Heroku.
The Heroku tutorial uses Ruby buildpack to run ‘rake assets:precompile’ but this action is taken during deployment. My problem is that in the Real project, my blog is separated from the rails webapp (2 different repositories). I build the jekyll blog and rsync /_site files to /public folder. So I guess I should do this precompile locally, but not sure about it neither how to do it.