Default front matter in _config.yml

I’m working on setting up a small project with Jekyll for fun, and I’m trying to work with jekyll-paginate-v2 to help me organize some posts. I’ve got the following in my _config.yml:

    output: true
    permalink: /tyov/:path/

      path: ""
      type: "posts"
        enabled: true
        permalink: /:num/
        sort_reverse: false
      path: "_tyov/all"
      type: "posts"
        collection: tyov

When I create a new post, I use jekyll-compose and run

bundle exec jekyll compose "My Post" --collection "tyov/all"

When the file is generated, it doesn’t seem to contain any of the default front matter for pagination:

layout: post
title: My Post
date: 2020-08-05 08:40 -0500

I’ve also tried changing the path to remove the underscore in front of tyov, remove /all from the path, and I’ve tried changing the type from posts to tyov since that is the name of my collection. None of those seem to work. As a side note, I am also running all of this in Docker and I’ve tried restarting the container to get things working as well with no luck.

I feel like I’m missing something simple, and any guidance would be appreciated.

the defaults in the config are virtual - they don’t show on the actual file.

I don’t use paginate so not sure if the defaults work with that or not.

Noted. I’ll have to play around with it a bit to see if it works or not. All of the examples had categories or tags, so I assumed they were generated and/or required