I’m planning out my first Jekyll site which will have a landing page with some text and links. The real content of the site is going to be a series of sub-pages (linked to from the front page). They will be two-columned pages. The left column will be text and the right side will be code (and maybe a screenshot).
So, there’s mundane copy/paste ways of achieving this but from the documentation I’ve read and the videos I’ve watched so far I have an inkling there’s more power in jekyll that I can tap into.
The super-awesome-wow-jekyll-is-great dream I have is this:
- Have a layout with your usual header/footer includes.
- In the layout have a responsive grid for the two columns.
- Have an include in the left column for the text explanation and in the right another include for the code snippets.
- Have a folder somewhere that has a lot of markdown files. 1 md file for the text, another for the code. And then another 1+1 pair of files for another page, and on and on.
- Do something with front matter/includes/??? that will generate a series of pages that get built as a part of the jekyll build process which get unique titles and pull into the appropriate includes only the 1+1 pair corresponding to each other. And then another page with a unique title and its 1+1 pair.
I’m new and probably way off base with this idea. If so, I’ll keep plugging and poking trying to discover the most jekyll’y and programmatic way to build this site.
Thank you!