Hi, The site works and looks great on my localserver:4000
So I uploaded my files and folders from the _site folder that Jekyll builds. I uploaded it to an S3 bucket.
When I go to the URL it shows that the site is now not styled. Also when I click on a link I get the following error msg. This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it.
I also have a ticket opened with AWS technical support. However, this could be a Jekyll issue?
Hi, FodorTheMagnificent:
Do you use CloudFront, and use pretty url?
If so, please check your CloudFront settings for “Restrict Bucket Access”.
If you set “Yes”, CloudFront can NOT call a root object for its pretty url, and show an error message that you got.
“Default Root Object” allows only for top directory.
When you set “No”, CloudFront can return a root object (index.html) of pretty url.
Be sure, “Origin Domain Name” should be “Website Endpoints” such as “site-name.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com”, NOT “site-name.s3.amazonaws.com”.
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Hi Fodor,
This could be an issue with the object policies in your S3 bucket where the Jekyll files live. Make sure that each object in S3 is public
great! this works. Thanks