The role of jekyll build in using Github Pages

Hi there, I have written up a description for setting up a website with Github Pages:

Feel free to criticise it. I have one question: should I use

$ bundler exec jekyll build --incremental


$ bundler exec jekyll serve

will do this locally, and Github Pages will do this up on its server?

It looks like these instructions are a little off. You should consider using the official quick start, installation, and step-by-step docs.

If you have GitHub Pages set up on GitHub, there is no need to build the site locally because GitHub will build the pages for you any time you update the repo.

Locally, you can use:

# Serve the website
bundle exec jekyll serve

# Serve the website and automatically refresh the browser when edits are made
# You will have to start and stop the server if you modify _config.yml
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload