Wow many thanks, that works just another question on the sass generation of one file it includes a map, but the minifier removes the comment with the map info, there is a way to prevent this? maybe using preserve_patterns with something like /\/\*#.*?\\*\//im
or this is only for html?
Since on the repo of GitHub - digitalsparky/cssminify: CSS minification with YUI compressor, but as native Ruby port didn’t mentioned anything about ignoring comments.
Other way that i’ve found on this post Minify CSS during build - #5 by tomjohnson1492 is disabling css minifying on the plugin and rename files from .css
to .scss
.to use sass:
style: compressed
And the last thing if you have some json data on your js files and the minifier removes quotes from keys, add this to the uglifier_args
to preserve the quotes:
quote_keys: true