I have a site that runs on Github Pages successfully (and has for several months). Due to a computer issue, I had to re-install Ruby/jekyll/all gems, and installed Ruby 2.4.3-1. I am on Windows, and installed the DevKit at the end of my install. Unfortunately I do not remember which version I was on previously.
Now, when I use bundle exec jekyll serve
as I did before, I get the following error message:
jekyll 3.6.2 | Error: Liquid syntax error (~dir/_includes/post.html line 5): 'unless' tag was never closed included
The code has not changed and is currently running happily on Github’s servers. Moreover, when I delete the code section that involves the unless
statement, the error still occurs, so I do not believe it has anything to do with the code itself, but it is copied below for completeness:
{% assign post = include.post %}
{% assign link_title = include.link_title %}
<article id="post{{ post.id | replace:'/','-' }}" class="page post{% if link_title %} mb6{% endif %}" role="article">
<h1 class="post-title">
{% if link_title %}<a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}" class="flip-title">{% endif %}
{{ post.title }}
{% if link_title %}</a>{% endif %}
<p class="post-date heading">
{% assign post_format = site.data.strings.date_formats.post | default:"%d %b %Y" %}
<time datetime="{{ post.date | date_to_xmlschema }}">{{ post.date | date:post_format }}</time>
{% assign category_start = site.data.strings.category_start | default:"using " %}
{% assign tag_start = site.data.strings.tag_start | default:"on " %}
{% assign category_separator = site.data.strings.category_separator | default:", " %}
{% assign tag_separator = site.data.strings.tag_separator | default:", " %}
{% include tag-list.html tags=post.tags meta=site.featured_tags start_with=tag_start separator=tag_separator %}
{% include cat-list.html cats=post.categories meta=site.featured_categories start_with=category_start separator=category_separator %}
{% include message.html text=post.description hide=page.hide_description %}
{% unless include.excerpt %}
{{ post.content }}
{% else %}
{{ post.excerpt }}
{% capture post_title %}<a class="heading flip-title" href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>{% endcapture %}
{% assign text = site.data.strings.continue_reading | default:"Continue reading <!--post_title-->" %}
<p class="read-more">
{{ text | replace:"<!--post_title-->", post_title }}
{% endunless %}
What should I try to fix this?
Setting excerpt_separator: '<!-- more -->'
in _config.yml was successful