on line 13 try adding spaces around page.subtitle. I bet that age is really page and it doesn’t like that there is no space bettween the brackets and page. I am not aware that spacing is required but maybe it is.
on line 13 try adding spaces around page.subtitle. I bet that age is really page and it doesn’t like that there is no space bettween the brackets and page. I am not aware that spacing is required but maybe it is.
You have a public repo? Might be easier for us to debug since you have a bit of Inception going on with includes inside an include inside another include.
Also have you tried running Jekyll with --verbose and --trace to maybe clue you in where the error is occurring? Might let you know what include is the problem or if there is content from a specific page/post causing issues.
You have a public repo? Might be easier for us to debug since you have a bit of Inception going on with includes inside an include inside another include.
You can also put Liquid and YAML into strict modes by adding the following to your _config.yml
Added strict mode to my config file and now get:
Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (line 7): Expected end_of_string but found id in "p.url==p age.url" in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/numberzs/_includes/nav.html, included in /_layouts/post.html
jekyll 3.5.2 | Error: Liquid syntax error (line 7): Expected end_of_string but found id in "p.url==p age.url"