Kramdown not processing doctype as HTML

This code:

title: About
<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>{{ page.title }}</title>
<body markdown=1>
# {{ "Hello World!" | downcase }}

Outputs this:

<!doctype html>

hello world!

How can I not have the doctype processed as plain text?

I’m guessing your code is in a markdown file (i.e. with a markdown extension, like If so, I don’t think there is any way to directly output the doctype declaration from Markdown using Kramdown – it will always see it as Markdown text, and convert the doctype to HTML.

Markdown processing (whether with Jekyll or elsewhere) usually relies on some form of templating/layouts to provide the HTML skeleton. With Jekyll, you could define a minimal layout with just the doctype declaration, and apply that layout to the markdown page. Like this:


<!doctype html>
{{ content }}

title: About
layout: default
<html> in original above...