How to use page metadata in Liquid filter

The header of my Jekyll page looks something like this

title: Some title here
FY: 2021

I would like to use the FY metadata in a Liquid filter like this:

{% assign reports = site.Collection | where:"FY", "{{ page.FY }}"  %}
  {% for report in reports %}
    <li><a href="{{ report.url }}">{{ | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}</a> {{ report.title }}</li>
  {% endfor %}

When I do this, the filter excludes everything. When I use the value explicitly (like below) then I get the list of reports as expected.

{% assign reports = site.Collection | where:"FY", 2022  %}
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Inside of Liquid tags (delimited by {% %}), variable expressions can be used directly, without the object delimiters ({{ }}). So this should work (untested code):

{% assign reports = site.Collection | where:"FY", page.FY  %}
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@chuckhoupt That’s exactly it. Thanks for helping out a rookie!

However, there’s a deviation to this expectation.
Jekyll core’s builtin {% include .. %} and perhaps {% link .. %} tag (not sure) breaks the expectation.

{% assign file = "header.html" %}
{% include {{ file }} %}
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Yes indeed include can reference a variable using an expression like that

But link evaluates its input literally as text in a way that doesn’t support the expression