It is not possible to show all the blog posts on the single web page, so we need a button to switch between pages.
So, can we add similar features
For example in
Page 1, 1-10 blog post will show
Page 2, 10-20 blog post will show
It is not possible to show all the blog posts on the single web page, so we need a button to switch between pages.
So, can we add similar features
For example in
Page 1, 1-10 blog post will show
Page 2, 10-20 blog post will show
You’ll want to use Jekyll’s pagination feature for this. It’s fairly limited so if you need to do anything more advanced something like Jekyll Paginate v2 plugin might work for you instead.
This error pops up in command prompt:
gem install jekyll-paginate
or add it to your Gemfile