How make custom Liquid tag append to page.tags

I have a custom Liquid tag that (in addition to customizing the look) I want to add to the array of page.tags. The first couple of lines of the render function (shown below) is supposed to do that. It works when I do a fresh build of the site. When I do an incremental build, it does not.

It seems I’ve created a hack that doesn’t quite work correctly. Please help me know what I’m missing.

module Jekyll
  class Term < Liquid::Tag
    def initialize(tag_name, input, tokens)
      vars = input.split(" ")
      @acronym = vars[0]
      @category = vars[1]

    def render(context)
      tags = context.environments.first['page']['tags']
      tags.append(@acronym) unless tags.include?(@acronym)

        definition = context.registers[:site].data['terminology']["#{@category}"]["#{@acronym}"]['definition']

        if definition.nil?
          "<a style=\"color:red\" href=\"/terminology/#{@category}\##{@acronym}\" title=\"???\" class=\"term\">#{@acronym}</a>"
          "<a href=\"/terminology/#{@category}\##{@acronym}\" title=\"#{definition}\" class=\"term\">#{@acronym}</a>"
      rescue NoMethodError
        "<span style=\"color:red\">#{@category}/#{@acronym}</span>"

Liquid::Template.register_tag('term', Jekyll::Term)

If by “incremental build” you mean using the --Incremental flag as in jekyll serve --incremental you should be aware that this feature is still experimental and does not work well.

By just running jekyll serve, jekyll should be able to pick up any modification you made to your website and rebuild accordingly.

I had forgotten that incremental was still experimental. Thanks for the reminder.

This is an easy mistake to make since this is so poorly documented and jekyll serve suggests in its output that you use this flag