Hi all,
Is there a recommended mechanism via which we could hook into the rendering of Markdown files that are included via the include
tag? For instance, if index.md
has a layout of default.html
, and default.html
{% include foo.md %}
is there a way to register a hook that would allow us to alter foo.md
before it’s rendered?
We’ve tried using a pre_render
hook a la
Jekyll::Hooks.register [:pages], :pre_render do |doc, payload|
but that, of course, is only invoked for pages. And neither it (nor a pre_render
hook on site
) seems to give access to included Markdown files (like foo.md
) because, by definition, they’re not yet rendered.
Our goal at hand is to prepend site.baseurl
to any Markdown link in a site, just like relative_url
, but without the need for a filter. That way, we can write Markdown like
* [Foo](/foo/)
* [Bar](/bar/)
instead of
* [Foo]({{ "/foo/" | relative_url }})
* [Bar]({{ "/bar/" | relative_url }})
in included files.
We can achieve that for pages with a pre_render
hook, but that approach doesn’t allow us to rewrite URLs that are in, e.g., foo.md
. We took a look at jekyll-relative-links for inspiration, but it turns out that doesn’t support included files either.
We’ve currently resorted to monkey-patching parse_link
in Kramdown::Parser::GFM
, but is there a more proper Jekyll-based approach perhaps?
Thank you!