[Github Pages] Unable to add a new post

According to the docs, I need to add a file following this format YYYY-MM-DD-NAME-OF-POST.md

And I have, here is my directory.

├── 404.html
├── about.markdown
├── _config.yml
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── index.markdown
└── _posts
    ├── 2022-11-21-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
    └── 2022-11-22-intro-to-paging.md # this post does not show up

Yet, this post, 2022-11-22-intro-to-paging.md does not show up.

Here is the contents of the 2022-11-22-intro-to-paging.md post

layout: post
title:  "Introduction to Paging"
date:   2022-12-21 20:50:38 -0500
categories: operating-system
Hi and welcome!

This initial post is a test

{% highlight cpp %}
std::cout << "hello world";
{% endhighlight %}

I know changes are being added because when I edit 2022-11-21-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown, changes are actually pushed.


I have tried to edit the date under

layout: post
title:  "Introduction to Paging"
date:   2022-12-21 20:50:38 -0500
categories: operating-system

to more accurately match the date in the title, but that did not work.

In your _config.yml, add

future: true