I’m hoping there a friendly soul here who can help.
I’m using https://forestry.io/ as a CMS.
I’m trying to overwrite the default minima theme by converting it to a regular theme. I copied all the theme files from the gem folder, and pasted them in root of my site.
Removed the reference to minima in _config.yml and the Gemfile. As described in the docs -> https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/
I then renamed instances of “minima” in all directories, files and @import statements inside the .scss files from to “myTheme”.
And it works lovely serve the site locally with “Jekyll serve”. But when I commit and push the change to a repo Forestry builds the site, with no errors. But when I go to visit a preview or on the “live” site. I get this error from main.scss.
Error: Invalid CSS after "...t "myTheme"": expected "{", was ";"
on line 5 of main.scss
1: ---
2: # Only the main Sass file needs front matter (the dashes are enough)
3: ---
5: @import "myTheme";
But I can’t see what is wrong. That import looks correct to me.