Get name of each post in each category

Hi all, new user here was thinking about setting up a blog with either Jekyll or Hugo.
I am having an issue looping over my categories and output the title of each post from the directory. I’m hopeful there isn’t a simple spelling error / obo as I’ve been staring at this for too many hours at this point.

Repo can be found here

In _configyml I have the following settings:

# Outputting
permalink: /:collection/:title/

# collections_dir: collections
    output: true
    permalink: /ux/:path
  # FE:
  #   output: true
  #   permalink: /FE/:path

When I navigate to localhost/[baseurl]/ux/ I get the Index page, and can click on the file. (baseurl is testdeploy in this case)

When I do:

{% for collection in site.collections %}
  {% assign name = collection.label %}
    <h1>{{ name }}</h1>
    {% for page in %}
        <p>{{ page.title }}</p>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

That appears to be to spec according to the docs:

  {% for author in site.authors %}
      <h2><a href="{{ author.url }}">{{ }}</a></h2>
      <h3>{{ author.position }}</h3>
      <p>{{ author.content | markdownify }}</p>
  {% endfor %}

Yet I don’t even get foo on the page.
Sorry if I am missing the obvious, but, what am I missing here?
I expected to see the name of the collection ( in an h1 tag), followed by the titles of each .md file (from the front matter and in a p tag) in the directory. Why am I not?


Assuming this structure:

_ux/  # note underscore here but not in config

Start with using site.ux as per in the docs

  {% for ux_item in site.ux %}
          <a href="{{ ux_item.url | relative_url }}">
             {{ ux_item.title }}

      <p>{{ ux_item.description }}</p>
      <p>{{ ux_item.excerpt }}</p>
  {% endfor %}

My site which has /shows/ as listing of pages like /shows/2020-12-06-tulbagh.html

  • _pages/ (click Raw button. Note use of show.excerpt to pick up text from the first paragraph).
  • _shows directory of .md files

Don’t bother setting permalink for your collection.

    output: true
    permalink: /ux/:path

It will be set for your already.

See my repo.

MichaelCurrin - jekyll-blog-demo

I just made a Tools collection now on that demo site to help you.

The paths are:

/tools/       #
/tools/ruby/  # _tools/

I’ve setup _config.yml with permalink: pretty globally. So all pages end in / instead of .html. Which is ideal for a collection. :slight_smile:

I’ve listed all the items on collection here - see Raw

If you really want to iterate over all collections, you can do this. Which I use on my page. I’ve moved it to an .html page so that indentation doesn’t turn it into code snippets.

You are the best!

Going to mark this as a solution, as that covers basically every question I came up with on this journey and more. ( … that is beautiful, and after as much digging should have been more obvious)

The rabbit I was ultimately looking to pull out of the hat was to change this:

{% for collection in site.collections %}
  {% assign name = collection.label %}
    <h1>{{ name }}</h1>
    {% for page in %}
        <p>{{ page.title }}</p>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

to this:

{% for dir in site.collections %}
  {% assign collection = dir.label %}
    <h1>{{ collection }}</h1>
    {% for page in site[collection] %}
        <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

I’m not super familiar with liquid (er, obvs) and am not seeing, on either the Shopify or Github docs the difference between “.” and “[ ]” (In fact in my quick-like skim through I didn’t see any references to “[]”'s at all)

So, why does that work?

And thanks a million Michael, I found the band site stumbling through other answers here. Super helpful.

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Awesome. Glad you found the bit that needed a fixed and had questions answered.

Yeah in Liquid and Ruby and JS, this is literally.

name = "people" # the collection
# same as
# returns nothing because you didn't use the variable.

The right way is:

name = "people"

# { docs: [], label: "people", ... }