Featured post or popular post

Your Jekyll site is static, so calculating what post is popular using visitor data will probably be more trouble than it is worth. I am sure there are articles on how to do that, but I doubt it is easy :slight_smile:

Here are some options you can try out, including some videos I created on the topic:

Option #1: Display the latest post

{%- for post in site.posts limit: 1 -%}
  {{- post.title -}}
{%- endfor -%}

Option #2: Display what you have decided is a featured or popular post
In the front matter of the post, create a custom variable called featuredPost (you decide on the name) and then write code that looks like this:

layout: post
date: 2020-08-10 12:30:00 -0700
title: This is a great featured post
featuredPost: true
Welcome to this great post!

In the page that displays the post(s), use the custom variable:

{%- assign fp = site.posts | where: 'featuredPost', true -%}
{%- for fp in site.posts -%}
  {{- post.title -}}
{%- endfor -%}

I created a 2-part video series on how to add a featured image to your site. There is also a 3-part series on creating reusable code to display a unique featured post, which is what you are after.

Start with this video and then keep going through the playlist:

Or, reference my two posts with included video links here on Jekyll Talk:

Here’s the GitHub repo:

And here is an example of what the code looks like: