Hey guys,
My site is a design portfolio and I have a handful of pages for projects that are date stamped in 2017…and then I have a recent page where the date stamp starts with 2018…
At the bottom of each project page I have buttons to navigate to the previous project or the next project, but for whatever reason…jekyll is only looping through the 2017 pages and ignoring the one with 2018…
My guess is I don’t have something configured or called out properly…but I’m stalled out on where to go from here. Here are the two if loops:
Previous page: Previous Project
{% if page.next and page.next.categories contains “work” %}
{% endif %}
Next Page: Next Project
{% if page.previous and page.previous.categories contains “work” %}
{% endif %}
If i change the date stamp for the 2018 page to 2017…then it appears as expected…
What needs to change?