Collect Items from Multiple Collections and Organize by Tag

As @chrisdaaz suggested, you can use site.documents plus additional filtering:

{% assign alldocs = site.documents | <additional standard filtering and sorting> %}	
{% assign grouptag =  alldocs | map: 'tags' | join: ','  | split: ','  | group_by: tag %}
{%- for tag in grouptag -%}
    <h1>{{- -}} - {{tag.size}}</h1>
	{%- for document in alldocs -%}
    	{% if document.tags contains %}
        	 <p>{{- document.title -}}
		 {% endif %}
    {%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}

Live example of a tag cloud including all the content of my blog (posts and projects) here.

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