I’ve got a blog post with of HTML that I want Kramdown to ignore. I wrapped it in
but it didn’t help. You can see the source here:
layout: post
title: "Advent of Code 2017"
date: "2017-12-04"
categories: [development]
tags: [advent of code]
banner_image: /images/banners/adventofcode.jpg
permalink: /2017/12/04/advent-of-code-2017
I'm a few days late, but this is just a quick reminder that [Advent of Code](http://adventofcode.com/) has returned. This is a daily coding challenge where you are tasked to solve certain problems. No particular language is required, and heck, if you want to do it on paper you could give that a shot as well. This is my third year participating and it quickly goes from simple to "woah, how in the heck do I solve that?!?" Last year I didn't complete the entire set of puzzles, but I still enjoyed the heck out of it. I fully recommend "cheating" if you get stuck. The [subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/) typically has solutions up way before I even get a chance to make an attempt.
Last year I tried to [blog](https://www.raymondcamden.com/2016/12/01/begin-the-advent-of-code/) about all my solutions but - yeah - that was a mistake. ;) I'm still posting my solutions to GitHub though: [https://github.com/cfjedimaster/adventofcode](https://github.com/cfjedimaster/adventofcode). You're welcome to look at - and make fun of - my solutions.
Here is an example of the type of challenges you can expect - in this case - the very first one:
It goes on to explain that you may only leave by solving a captcha to prove you're not a human. Apparently, you only get one millisecond to solve the captcha: too fast for a normal human, but it feels like hours to you.
This file has been truncated. show original
Note that GitHub seems to render it well. But compare it to here:
and you can see some of the HTML was escaped. Any ideas?
Check your HTML. The list items in your unordered list element are both missing closing </li>
That’s probably confusing Kramdown when it parses the mixture of Markdown and HTML.
Oh my god I’m so embarrassed. That was it - and I didn’t even need the divs with markdown=“0”. I’ve been working with HTML for about 20 years now and I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on that. Thank you.