Can forloop.first and forloop.last handed into includes?

I’d like to hand in the loops first and last boolean values to my include:

{% for entity in %}
  {% include entity.json entity=entity first=forloop.first last=forloop.last %}
{%- endfor -%}

But they are always empty in the template.

The include tag doesn’t support interpolation of parameters. Parameters are expected to be string literals (entities enclosed by single-quotes or double-quotes).

Uhmm, are you saying I can’t hand in an entity like I do? Cause that part works.
What also works is assigning last and first. Then they are also accessible from within the include:

{% assign first = forloop.first %}
{% assign last = forloop.last %}
{% include entity.json entity=entity %}

I stand corrected.
My tests show that it is indeed possible to pass Liquid expressions as parameter values.

I was also able to pass the forloop properties successfully using the following test contents:

<!-- _includes/foo.html -->
<h2>Forloop properties</h2>
<div>First: {{ include.first }} </div>
<div>Last: {{ include.last }}</div>

{% for entity in site.posts %}
  {% include foo.html first=forloop.first last=forloop.last %}
{% endfor %}