BDD: how Jekyll uses Cucumber?


I’m trying to figure out how Jekyll uses Cucumber.
Can you give at least very short description/hint?

I see super impressive list of Cucumber features here.
How these Cucummber features are used in Jekyll development process?

My main aim is to assess pros/cons of BDD in general on real example - Jekyll seems great here.
I was trying to find answer in Jekyll sources but failed.

Tnx in adv!


The Cucumber features are run as part of all CI builds on both Travis and AppVeyor.

The best way to understand how Cucumber is utilized during Jekyll development is to read the individual feature files along with the steps defined in features/step_definitions.rb and helpers defined in the features/support/helpers.rb files.

Run bundle exec cucumber from the root level of repository’s local clone to initiate a Cucumber run on the current branch. (Once you know what’s happening under the hood, the verbosity of the output can be turned off by executing the shell script at path script/cucumber instead.)

Great thanks!
I’ll check it further.

I’m also fascinated how Jekyll uses BDD for testing purposes. Though I had an idea to have that validation framework in a standalone gem… Took me some time to extract bits and pieces, but effectively here it is:


Source code can be found here: jekyll-theme-specs@Github

That’s a nice idea. :+1:
It is great to know that this section of code in the Jekyll repository is helping the community as well.