Android termux installation jekyll

it’s amazing how i keep getting back to this…

here’s yet more steps that can help fixing issues with this installation:

there are many commands there that can be helpful, but here i want to briefly talk about sed:

sed -i '/def proc_version/!{s/ENOENT/ENOENT, Errno::EACCES/}' /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jekyll-3.9.0/lib/jekyll/utils/platforms.rb

be sure to update the folder according to your environment. probably jekyll-3.9.0 will be a different version, for instance.

in any case, this is specially useful for the error i got today (yet again):

/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/pathutil-0.16.2/lib/pathutil.rb:502:in 'read': Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /proc/version (Errno::EACCES)

although it does generate, instead, a warning which will need good care sooner than later:

/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/pathutil-0.16.2/lib/pathutil.rb:502: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated

i’ve got no idea for how long it’ll continue to work as a deprecated usage, but let’s just enjoy it while it works! :grin: