'Accordion(ed)' collections - 'front-matter' driven

Hi jekyllers,

I’m enjoying how @jhvanderschee approaches ‘Accordions’

example :slight_smile:

so that you end up … just, on a FAQ s list, in the front matter page showing them :


  • title: this is item FAQ1
    content: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • title: this is item FAQ2
    content: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

see here, at Jekyllcodex for the full explanation

So elegant, great.

As long as i have pretty long chunks of content on the accordion, putting it into YAML 's front matter messes it quickly…
No i’m wondering about two things…

  1. would it be possible to call another file to be ‘accordioned’ from the front-matter ? or any other hint to ?


  • title: this is item 1
    content: /_faq/accordion-content1.md (?) or whatever option
  • title: this is item 2
    content: /_faq/accordion-content2.md (?) or whatever options

  1. would it be possible to nest accordions somehow?

any hint is more than welcomed!

happy jekylling

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, that is possible. Change this:

    {% for item in page.accordion %}

Into something like this:

    {% for item in site.faqs %}

FAQ’s is a collection you have to create yourself (including a ‘_faqs’ directory with .md files). So it becomes:

<ul class="jekyllcodex_accordion">
    {% for item in site.faqs %}
        <li><input id="accordion{{ forloop.index }}" type="checkbox" /><label for="accordion{{ forloop.index }}">{{ item.title }}</label><div>{{ item.content | markdownify }}</div></li>
    {% endfor %}

This way the accordion loops over your custom collection, no front matter required!

Happy coding!

What are the advantages/disadvantages of this technique versus HTML’s <details> element? I’m guessing backwards compatibility is one advantage because <details> is relatively new.

Here’s an example of using <details> with Jekyll’s default Markdown processor, Kramdown, which supports mixed HTML/Markdown via the markdown attribute:

<details markdown=block>
<summary markdown=span>A *Summary*</summary>
These are the **details** for this item.

This will render as:

A Summary

These are the details for this item.

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thX @chuckhoupt & @jhvanderschee , so much to learn…

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I also use details/summary a lot on my site and have written an include for this. But please, where do I find documentation for Kramdown that covers your use of markdown=block/span? Thanking your for broadening my mind :).

The markdown=block/span is documented in the Kramdown Syntax guide in the HTML Block and HTML Spans sections. It’s a Kramdown specific extension to Markdown, which I gather derives from the PHP Markdown Extra extension, which only supported block level Markdown with markdown=1.

Thank you! Somehow I had not found this. So far I had only been using Markdown=0/1.

@jordila rather than marking SOLVED in the subject it would be better to pick an answer and click mark as solution.

Then it will have a checkbox on the main screen

Okey… that’s what looks like (click on Details:) …

in use (mobile look) :slight_smile: