Help us benchmark Jekyll

:wave: Jekyllers,

We’re still working on improving Jekyll’s performance.
For people who suffer from slow builds, we’d be interested in testing:

  • refactor your includes with jekyll-include-cache when possible
  • use liquid-c gem to speed up Liquid parsing
  • use jekyll-commonmark to speed up Markdown rendering
  • test current jekyll master (make sure to exclude .jekyll-cache folder from Git)

Your Gemfile should therefore contain:

gem "jekyll", github: "jekyll/jekyll" 
gem "liquid-c"

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem "jekyll-include-cache"
  gem "jekyll-commonmark"

Then publish you site on a Netlify branch or any CI where you can use these gems (you can’t on GitHub Pages) and share the result.

I advised those to a friend of mine and its build went from 931s to 59s. The build outuput is exactly the same.
I tested on Kong Documentation and build shrinked from 54s to 8.3s. Didn’t test the output.

This might conflict with existing plugins, if you encounter errors, we’re interested to know which plugins would benefit a fix to use our new cache API.

Here’s some documentation on what has already changed for plugins authors:

Thanks for helping making Jekyll faster.
The most notable gain should come from current master where we cache a lot