Without front matter?

hmmm, but if i do use the optional plugin, doesn’t that meant it will force Jekyll to do these things?:

  • converts .any-ext to .html
  • allow use of layouts for templating
  • allow file processed so that Liquid is evaluated.

your second bit is exactly what i want, but with .txt.


# My heading

My content

My site name {{ site.title }}

as for the reason, well, i don’t have a great one, but, basically, i’ve been using .txt files my whole life, and, well, they aren’t really markdown either, they have my own personal “markup”, i’d have to write my own little “converter” parser for it… but anyway, i’m not there, yet—that’s the next step! :slight_smile: . For now, i just want to just want them to display!

…but maybe writing a converter is the way to go!.. Hmmm… i mean, my .txt files are simple, so if it went through the markdown processor, it’d be just fine… and at a certain point in life, when markdown became more prevalent, i even started using markdown for my own personal notes… so my personal notes format isn’t exactly consistent…

so then, if i can’t do what i want with the optional plugin, then i should just write a converter, and perhaps begin with using a markdown converter as a base!

thanks for the reply! I see some progress now. :slight_smile:


Jekyll will copy each txt file to the output directory.

ohhh yeahhh, you’re totally right! if i go to my-domain.tld/git-submodule-folder/file.txt , it is indeed there! So… glad to at least know if git submodule is working! :slight_smile: But i can’t for the life of me get it processed :sob:

also, i am not sure how i missed this one. i swear i searched! sorry. :sob:

from mmistakes:

GitHub Pages using jekyll-optional-front-matter as a dependency



def extname_list
        @extname_list ||= @config["markdown_ext"].split(",").map! { |e| ".#{e.downcase}" }

(jeykll’s default values)
markdown_ext: "markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md"

surely, there’s gotta be a way to just modify markdown_ext from the config…? i’ll try again and actually read what the error is this time…

so, i think setting markdown_ext in the config actually was the solution!!! :party: … i just didn’t think it was because it threw an error, lots of them:

Error reading file /github/workspace/docs/my-notes/applications - iOS.txt: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

so, i’ve got some cleaning to do.

anyway, thanks again, i think it’ll be alright…