Saves management: Virtualization per profile and dedicated tab to visualize them. | {% include cmp-yes.html %} | {% include cmp-yes.html %} | {% include cmp-yes.html %} | {% include cmp-yes.html %} | {% include cmp-no.html %} | {% include cmp-yes.html %} Separate folders for save games can be created and save games are easily managed with the exception that there are no mod profiles.
Then I thought that would work and it doesn’t. I thought hmmmm I wonder if it’s the CRLF.
Saves management: Virtualization per profile and dedicated tab to visualize them. | {% include cmp-yes.html %} | {% include cmp-yes.html %} | {% include cmp-yes.html %} | {% include cmp-yes.html %} | {% include cmp-no.html %} | {::nomarkdown}<div class="cmp-yes" />{:/} Separate folders for save games can be created and save games are easily managed with the exception that there are no mod profiles.
That doesn’t work either.
Obviously I have not finished the part in the blue box. I’m not that far along yet wrestling with these issues.