Syntax highlighting for jekyll posts and pages in vim, or other editors

When writing markdown in jekyll, with yaml at the top, and with html and liquid sprinkled in throughout, I find vim misses lots.
What plugins would you recommend for working on jekyll files in vim, and other code editors?

I’m assuming you’ve tried vim-liquid?

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I use visual studio code as my daily editor, along with my own extension Jekyll Snippets
It downloads and installs the shoptify liquid sytanx highlighter, also.

But you can also check awesome Jekyll for other editors and awesome-sauce for Jekyll.

@Cogart, what exactly are you missing?

I’ve been working on my own markdown plugin, and the plan is to add support for jekyll, but I was thinking more about front matter automation, dealing with file (moving drafts to _posts etc). I do like vim’s default markdown’s syntax highlight and never thought about highlighting the front matter (because in theory that’s exactly where I don’t wanna look at while writing…).
Do you mind to share your thoughts on this?

thanks @ginfuru! the vim-liquid is exactly what I needed. The ‘awesome Jekyll’ resource is always impressive.

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@lsrdg vim’s default markdown’s syntax highlighting wasn’t recognizing any liquid though. You’re right about the yaml though, not only is it so simple that syntax highlighting adds little, but it’s where you spend the least amount of time. I’m not sure how front matter could be automated.

Hey @Cogart, I know this is old but you can now use the VS Code Liquid extension which provides syntax highlighting for Liquid in various languages plus formatting.

Like others above, I use VS Code, with plugins to suit.
If you are doing general web development, it’s one of the best out there, with excellent support for Javascript, HTML, CSS, Vue, React and even Jekyll and Liquid.
For a WYSIWIG markdown editor, I really like Typora (I develop on Ubuntu)…