My Personal Website

Hi. I am trying to create a website for me using Jekyll. ANd till yet I am liking it. I have hit a bit of snag. I have designed my site in three parts. Header, body, and footer. Each having separate html pages. I have created _include folder and I am storing all my files inside that. The headed and footer got automatically attached to index.html and it appears when I go to my localhost pages. But the body is set to a predefined theme. Whenever I try to change it, it just comes back to the default theme. I am attaching a photo of my localhost page.

can’t really tell from just this what your issue is, is there a repo and site to look at?

Generally I think you would have the header and footer be includes, then have both of those added into a layout with the content in-between.

The content/body is any other file that has front matter and calls that layout - the content of that file becomes the content in the layout, output as either the filename of the file with the front matter or as specified in the config file.