How to display 24 items in a carousel

Im working in a project and currently I have a data file that display 24 clients in a page that im taking for a data file

{% for client in %}
          <a href="{{client.URL}}" target="_blank">
            <img src="{% asset_path {{client.image}} %}"
              alt="{{ client.alt }}">
  {% endfor %}

I would like to implement a carousel that display 12 items in one slide (and when clicked the arrow) display the other 12 items.

so you just need the first 12 and the last twelve to be separate? or you need help with the carousel?

i think this may help with breaking it into sets of 12:

there are some other things there that may help too.

Still havent figure it out how to split the elements. I have tried something like this

<div class=" col-md-9 clients side padding-content">

<ul class="clients-grid grid-6 nobottommargin clearfix">
  {% comment %}
    `` defined in `_data/clients.yml`
  {% endcomment %}
  {% for client in %}
    {% if forloop.index > 12 %}
      {% assign slidenum = 2 %}
    {% else %}
      {% assign slidenum = 1 %}
    {% endif %}
    <li class="slide{{ slidenum }}">
      <a href="{{client.URL}}" target="_blank">
        <img src="{% asset_path {{client.image}} %}" alt="{{ client.alt }}">
  {% endfor %}

but still cant figure it out how to split elements in the owl carousel

how is a carousel slide defined? what is an example with 2 slides that you make statically? do both slides show at the same time like your example image?

I would think the logic is to count to 12 and then start a new slide for the next 12 but starting at the 13th one using limit and offset.

You could use your if/forloop.index to see if you need to do that, if so then do 2 for loops one with limit 12 and the other offset 13 (or 11and 12 if it is starting at 0).

I can’t say that I have actual experience doing what you want, just going by the docs to guess what could be done.