Highlighting posts

In jekyll if I visit a page, the link in the navigation will highlight adding the current class to it. Using a conditional syntax in jekyll allows me to do this, example below.

 <li><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/specials-page.html" class="{% if page.url == '/specials-page.html' %}current{% endif %}">Specials</a></li>

I was wondering if I can do this for my posts. I have a list of specials and I would like for them to highlight adding a current class whenever clicked on. Example below

    <div class="specials-box texture_menu_box">
  <ul class="specials-button-area button-area">
    {% for fart in site.categories.specials-collect %}
    <li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ fart.url }}">{{fart.title}}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
    {{ content }}